Storm Cloud from modernfiberlab is delicious…

Storm Cloud wool felt wall hanging sculpture by modernfiberlab.

You can also follow them on Facebook! I am.

I first saw her work on this post about pompoms from Design Crisis.…this seductive creme piece was featured…

Definitely on my list for when I win the lottery…

Erik Fortune at Roc La Rue Gallery

7379f101405d5630e8ecba003d9252d0I saw these last night at Roc La Rue. Erik Fortune. As Kirsten Anderson and I seemed to say in unison, looking at the folds in these paintings is like getting a massage to the brain.  I love how the hair is in unison with the environment, swirling like it’s the same material, every bit of life and matter made of a delicate quality of silk or pastry dough.  The dark lady in the water seems to have a mini-landscape on her shoulders, which seems to be something I’m obsessed with at the moment, the body becoming landscape or city scape.  More please.  And the tree, texture is like deep folds on the inside of the body, or like muddy gilded baroque frames.
